组合式EGR和舱底水处理系统- CD-EGR
Marinfloc的CD EGR装置在全球率先取得权威机构的认证可以用来处理来自两个不同设备的废水,该解决方案提供了二合一的简化方法,以最大限度地减少设备成本、安装成本、运营成本和二氧化碳排放。虽然舱底水和EGR排放水属于不同的MARPOL附则,需要分别处理,我们的系统可以确保它们保持分离。这包括不同的储罐和污泥罐,系统隔离阀防止任何混合,包括处理过程中产生的污泥。经船级社认可的自动切换顺序由系统自动化管理,确保无缝操作。通过控制面板,操作员可以轻松的切换废水流进行处理,同时,Whitebox®监控并记录和隔离重要的排放参数,确保准确的记录保存。
Unwavering support. Top-notch training.
Safer waste streams and better workflow. At Marinfloc, we are dedicated to helping you manage and minimize the maintenance of your onboard wastewater systems.

Operating principle
The Marinfloc combined system efficiently manages both bilge water from bilge wells and EGR bleed-off water from engines. It features a unified separator for water treatment and a recorder or a WhiteBox® to monitor overboard discharges. The bilge water component includes a bilge holding tank and an oily bilge (sludge) tank. The EGR component is equipped with tanks for bleed-off water and sludge, with an optional buffer tank to regulate water volume, which overflows to the EGR drain tank as needed.
Three-way valves facilitate the flow of water and sludge between tanks and the separator, ensuring proper treatment. These valves include:
A suction valve to choose the water source between the EGR drain tank and the bilge holding tank.
A recirculation valve to direct treated water back for further processing if necessary.
A sludge valve to manage the direction of sludge to the appropriate tank.
The system operates in two modes: EGR bleed-off water discharge and bilge water discharge, defaulting to EGR mode under specific conditions like a power drop, to ensure continuous, compliant operation.
The cleaning process of the system includes:
Oil Separation: The system separates free oil from water through gravitational methods in the oil descaler. Accumulated oil is then transferred to the vessel’s sludge tank once detected by an oil sensor.
Aeration: Compressed air is introduced into the circulating tank, mixing with the water to dissolve air maximally. This process helps in the continuous discharge of bilge water, maintaining the system's operation.
Flocculation and Forced Flotation (DAF): In this stage, water is directed to the flocculation tank where chemical dosages are precisely controlled for optimal flocculation. A layered separation occurs, with a foam layer being continuously removed to the sludge tank.
Filtration: The filtered water, now clearer but possibly slightly discolored, passes through a series of filters to reach an effluent quality of <15 ppm. This comprehensive filtering stage ensures the removal of any remaining contaminants, including oil and flocks.
Additionally, an Oil Content Meter (OCM) is incorporated to ensure compliance with environmental regulations by monitoring the oil content in the water, which is typically set to not exceed 15 or 5 ppm.
Flocculation is a water treatment process in which solids come together to form larger clusters, or flocs, which are then removed from the water. This process can occur naturally or with the assistance of chemical agents. It is a common method of wastewater treatment and drinking water purification.
DAF is a water treatment technique that removes suspended particles like oil or sediments from liquids. By dissolving air under pressure and releasing it at atmospheric pressure in a flotation tank, tiny air bubbles attach to the particles, making them float to the surface for removal.
No other waste stream on a ship is so closely connected to million-dollar fines and imprisonment as bilge water. Bilge water contains various pollutants from the engine room, not just oil and water. Marinfloc has the expertise, technology, and flexibility to provide tailored solutions for your needs.