Peace of mind with secure and monitored overboard discharge. Protects the owner and the crew from non-compliant discharges. Everything recorded and securely documented. Monitor your discharge to ensure you fulfill valid regulations.
The Marinfloc Whitebox® – a failsafe overboard discharge monitoring and control unit. Positioned between the oily water separator and the overboard valve, the Whitebox® is designed with precision to prevent non-compliant bilge water discharge, ensuring your operations remain within the regulatory bounds of MEPC 107(49).
The Whitebox guarantees consistent monitoring of all vital discharge data and is seamlessly integrated with the vessel’s GPS. This ensures that your operations are transparent and accountable with recorded data on oil content, valve settings and flow metrics.
Enjoy enhanced confidence in your discharge operations, safeguarding your crew and vessel from potential disputes. The digital recorder meticulously stores all critical data, from vessel position and time to door status, ensuring every detail is accurately logged for future reference. Let the Whitebox® bring peacefulness to your maritime operations, ensuring the highest standards of environmental compliance.
Ensured compliance for bilge water discharge
Port state valve access without opening doors
MARS - Marinfloc Alert Report Support
Simple installation
MESQAC compliant
Ocean Guardian interfaced to automatically closed in prohibited areas

Ensured compliance for bilge water discharge
Port state valve access without opening doors
MARS - Marinfloc Alert Report Support
Simple installation
MESQAC compliant
Ocean Guardian interfaced to automatically closed in prohibited areas
Unwavering support. Top-notch training.
Safer waste streams and better workflow. At Marinfloc, we are dedicated to helping you manage and minimize the maintenance of your onboard wastewater systems.

Operating principle
The WhiteBox® system is a fail-safe system for the overboard discharge of water. It is designed so that no water with an oil content above the set limit can accidentally be pumped overboard. The oily water separator or the bilge water tank discharge pump feeds water through the WhiteBox® system. An adequate flow of water is continuously directed to the oil content meter by the differential pressure valve. The sample is measured by the oil content meter after being directed through the flow switch. The purpose of the flow switch is to secure that no bilge water can be discharged overboard without first being measured by the oil content meter .
The flow overboard, the oil content, the position of the three-way valve, status oil content meter is activated, the status of the system (on/off), the time, and the ship’s GPS position (optional) will be logged and stored on the recorder or on an external memory card depending on configuration.
The three-way valve will be in over-board position as long as the following criteria are fulfilled:
The oil content meter reading is below the set oil content level.
The rinse water valve is not activated by the push-button.
The recorder value is below set oil content level.
The WhiteBox® door is closed.
There is a sufficient flow through the flow switch.
Discharge is enabled by the Bridge control or Ocean Guardian (if fitted).
If one or more of the above criteria is not fulfilled, the three-way valve will switch to return position. The recorder will still log the oil content, three-way valve position, sufficient flow through oil content monitor, GMT time, and the ship’s GPS position (if fitted) but not the flow, as no processed bilge water is directed overboard. If the alarm is connected, the oil content meter will give an alarm to the engine control room after a preset period of time (0-9 minutes) if the oil content is above the set oil content limit.
The WhiteBox® represents over 25 years of innovation, designed with user-friendly features such as an externally accessible recirculation valve and an Oil Content Meter (OCM) panel. All to ensure a smooth Port State Control process, offering you peace of mind.
MARS (Marinfloc Alert Report Support) , our sophisticated digital portal that offers an array of functionalities to enhance the management and oversight of maritime operations. Receive automated reports that include data from the WhiteBox® . Discharge logbook, providing a monthly overview of your operations.
No other waste stream on a ship is so closely connected to million-dollar fines and imprisonment as bilge water. Bilge water contains various pollutants from the engine room, not just oil and water. Marinfloc has the expertise, technology, and flexibility to provide tailored solutions for your needs.